why i changed my business name
Welcome back to Pontem Pages, bringing you business and investing content through the lens of a teenager. Today’s story is why I changed my business name. In 2017, I was looking into making my company “official” whether it be incorporation or LLC status. As I was looking into this, I had a crushing moment. Someone was already using my first business name. While this may have not been a major issue as I was a kid in a small business, I didn’t want to end up in any legal issues as a kid. So, we began the hunt for a new name. Enter my mom: she sends an email in our company Basecamp for latin words. Community and unity were initial concept as during this time, the Sherman Park protests were going on. Later, the latin word for bridge becomes the catalyst. Pontem: the Latin word for bridge becomes the next name.
The lesson for me and you both: do your research before picking a name.
But more importantly, find a name that resonates with your passion, mission/vision, or products/services.
Simply the best, John